12-Step Recovery Secretary
HMP Cardiff and HMP Usk
VAWDASV Support Group Facilitator:
Cardiff Women's Aid
Canine and Parrot Foster Carer:
RSPCA, The Oldies Club Charities
Lived Experience Co-Design Member:
MIND National Association for Mental Health London
Change That Lasts "Ask Me" Community Ambassador:
Welsh Women's Aid
Focus Group Member:
Time to Change Wales - Amser i newid Cymru. MIND Cymru
Scientific Research Participant:
The Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC)
Cardiff Service User Forum Member:
New Pathways to enhance the SURE for Mental Health Campaign
Adult Mental Health Research Champion:
Cardiff University led National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH)
Adult Mental Health Champion:
Hafal and MIND Cymru supporting the 'Time to Change Wales' Campaign
Cardiff Forum Group Member:
The Truth Project part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)
Focus Group Member:
The Cardiff University School of Psychology in association with the University of Bath
Online Research Participant:
The Autism Research Trust in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge
Discussion Forum Member:
Integrated Autism Service (IAS) in association with Cardiff and Vale (UHB) Adult Mental Health
Online Research Participant:
Cambridge University Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry investigating Individual Differences
Focus Group Member:
Litter Picker in association with Keep Wales Tidy and Cardiff Council Environmental Scrutiny Committee
Focus Group Member:
Partnerships and Communities Together (PACT) with Neighbourhood Policing Teams and Councillors