Books Read
Tarot (Jonathan Dee)
The Veil (Blake K Healy)
Bible Atlas (Tim Dowley)
Mystic Man (Mark Western)
The Laws of Spirit (Dan Millman)
The Gnosis of the Mind (G R S Mead)
Philosophy of Silver Birch (Stella Storm)
The Gift of Forgiveness (Denise Renner)
The Mystical Life of Jesus (Sylvia Browne)​
Alpha. Why Am I Here? (Alpha International)
Amazing You Numerology (Theresa Cheung)
​The Twelfth House (Karen Hamaker-Zondag)
A Simple Prayer Book (Catholic Truth Society)
Kabbalah and Exodus (Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi)
Sun Moon and Stars (Mary Hoffman & Jane Ray)
Jesus: My Autobiography (Tina-Louise Spalding)
How to Develop your Sixth Sense (David Lawson)
​Jonathan Livingston Seagull - A Story (Richard Bach)​
A Practical Guide to the Gift of Tongues (John Vaughan-Neil)
The Gospel of Thomas (Jean-Yves Leloup & Jacob Needleman)
God is Disappointed in You (Mark Russell & Shannon Wheeler)
​I Am With You: Divine Help for Todays Needs (Fr. John Woolley)
The Prophets Way. A Guide to Living in the Now (Thom Hartman)
Attunement to Higher Vibrational Living (Choquette & Stanton-Welch)
Indigo Adults: Understanding Who You Are and What You Can Become (Jaffe & Davidson)
The Secret (Rhonda Byrne)
Games People Play (Eric Berne)
Nature's Numbers (Ian Stewart)
The Developing Child (Helen Bee)
​The Myth of Sanity (Martha Stout)
Esoteric Psychology (Alice A Bailey)
The Memory Bird (Caroline Malone)
The Divided Self (Ronald David Laing)
I’m OK, You’re OK (Thomas A. Harris)
The Sixty Minute Family (Rob Parson)
Client Centered Therapy (Carl R Rogers)
The Drama of Being a Child (Alice Miller)
​Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
Parenting Skills (Family Caring Trust 2010)
What is Psychology? (Andrew M. Coleman)
The Art of Being Brilliant (Cope & Whittaker)
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (Shunryu Suzuki)
The Brain: The Story of You (David Eagleman)
Master Numbers 11, 22 & 33. (Felicia Bender)
​Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Susan Jeffers)
The Body Keeps The Score (Bessel van den Kolk)
Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Carl Gustav Jung)
The Last Taboo: Sexual Abuse of Children (Gay Search)
If You Take My Meaning (Richard Ellis & Ann McClintock)
Life and How to Survive It (Robin Skynner & John Cleese)
The Idiot Brain: A Neuroscientist Explains (Dean Burnett)
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (John Gray)
Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person (The School of Life)
The Courage to be Happy (Fumitake Koga & Ichiro Kishimi)
The Courage to be Disliked (Fumitake Koga & Ichiro Kishimi)
7 Signs You Aren't Coping and What to Do Next (Beverley Jones)
Empowered Choice. Life Coaching and Personal Development (Sellen)
The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism (Lyons-Weiler & Frye)
How To Talk So Kids Can Learn At Home and in School (Faber & Mazlish)
The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum (Purkis, Goodall & Nugent)